Àðåíäà-Àíàïà.ðô - How to rent an apartment for rent in Anapa
I would like to warn You that on the Internet for a huge number of sites, you can find not only the real owners of these apartments, but "liars" who will promise you a lot of things, words have booked, in fact you blatantly deceived.
Booked the apartments are beautiful, the pictures which are exhibited on the Internet on different sites, even without advance payment. But actually no armor is not, in reality, often the real owners of these apartments are not even aware that on such and such date their apartment is booked through a certain value...
At the same place, after the arrival of vacationers they offer completely different view of the apartment, already overpriced citing any reason (to the owners relatives came, the apartment has hot water turned off, etc.), as well as underlining the fact that campers do not pay in advance. And since most visitors of the way very tired, hungry, and even with small children, they have no other choice but to look to the options they offer... More about why they booked without payment and how they accommodate their visitors read "HOW to POST SCAMMERS IN ANAPA WITHOUT PAYMENT".
If You do not want problems of this kind are on vacation, if you want to learn how to check your reservation or do you doubt in your chosen option and want to find a more reliable option, then by all means call us.
Our firm has for many years successfully picks up travelers holiday apartment in Anapa.
What you win, contact us and what is the advantage of our company over the other:
First, we can find You an apartment on a reservation in advance, which is very important for vacationers, especially with young children.
To do this, we better to call for 10-15 days before your departure and then you will be prompted to view online for specific apartments that are released specifically to your arrival. By the way early in the season it doesn't quite work, since most of the apartments are free and they have no date of departure.
Secondly, we can show you options in place. For this You need only tell what apartment, in what area and what price you would like to rent during the summer vacation. Also you can inform us of your arrival (flight no or no train and carriage, the exact time of arrival) and we will meet you from the station and transfer to the chosen apartment, or show options several options.
Typically, in just half an hour our clients choose the appropriate option and settle in a normal apartment, which fully comply with all their requirements, but still have time to haggle on the price with the real owners.
Thirdly, if you have pre-booked an apartment, but on arrival you realize that you just threw up and you got on so called "Scam", then you can always call us. Just 10-15 minutes, our Manager will come to your location and offer you to look at several apartments according to your requirements.
We have a base of more than 400 apartments, with photos and description which you can find there on the website. About 10-40 apartments is released daily, this indicator depends on the month of the summer (whether it's the beginning of the season or peak season).
Those who come on a great time, about 20 days or more, we can book in advance. Such armor like the owners, if the client adequately pays for their requests.
If you eat at 5-15 days or want to rent an apartment "cheaper" than usual in this case and need to call closer to the date of your arrival. In this case we will offer specific options for the dates. Perhaps they will be even cheaper than if you tried to book in the spring or 3 weeks before your arrival on holiday!
So call, visit a website, choose apartments and come to us to rest, you will not regret!!!